J. D. Davis

Jeremiah Davis
Official Website of Jeremiah Davis, writer of
The Chaos Conspiracy
Comments and Reviews

My name is Jeremiah David Davis; I am a 16yr old student at King College Prep High School in Chicago Illinois. For those who wonder if my middle name is a joke, it is not. I picked it because the meaning it had when added to my name. I started writing when I was younger. but The Chaos Conspiracy was my first published book.
I did not always live in Chicago but I was born there; around the time I was around six, my mother and I moved from Chicago to Homewood Illinois. I stayed there for about seven years, had an "interesting" experience, and then moved back to Chicago to go to King. I am a swimmer, football player, and former soccer player.
For those who are interested in further works from me or if anyone has a concern about my current novel, my email is therice7@gmail.com. My facebook page is JD Books